Matrix Essentials for Professionals
In today’s fast-paced, unpredictable and interrelated world, we are evolving from the era of individual leaders at the top and models of command and control to one of adaptive, resilient, and successful team-centric (or community-centric) leadership. Many of our current communication and leadership norms–and our assumptions of personal and spiritual development–are based on mechanistic assumptions of separateness (“island of me”) and hierarchy.
Research from Google, MIT and others shows that ‘HOW’ groups work together is more important than ‘WHO’ the individual members are. Developing the skills of individuals often fails to produce real and lasting change in the group or system. The unique methodology of Matrix Leadership builds a culture of connection that optimizes the ability of groups and teams to think, decide, and act together to achieve what’s most important to them while supporting the unique gifts and talents of individuals.
IMPACT: Individuals and groups experience transformational development in relationship with each other and with the ‘Whole’ (team, company, community). Teams harness their full collective intelligence to innovate and adapt, make better decisions, and generate heightened engagement and long-term sustainability. Individuals begin to realize the consciousness of interconnectedness: we’re in this together. We become complex-systems thinkers and practitioners who midwife emergent collective intelligence, justice, healing and transformation.
- Form highly collaborative, innovative and sustainable teams, organizations and communities
- Optimize communication, engagement, collective intelligence and creativity
- Lead through Matrix Leadership Networks™-- evolutionary living systems
- Transform conflict into a multi-perspective Matrix Group Dialogue™
- Create a culture of connection
THIS TRAINING introduces a framework of communication and leadership practices—the Matrix Essentials™ that support groups to function with their full collective intelligence and heart. You’ll learn to build groups with a resilient relational infrastructure™ that generates the capacity to function as self-organizing Matrix Leadership Networks™ at the heart of everything they do. You’ll understand how these teams and organizations develop the capacity to function as self-organizing Matrix Leadership Networks™. You’ll learn to transform feedback into investment in relationships and results. You’ll practice engaging with differences as resources rather than a source of division. You’ll recognize the liberating value of differentiating and distributing group and leadership roles and perspectives. You’ll experience the Matrix Group Dialogue Process™ as an alternative to conflict and divisiveness, and as a model of emergent decision-making.
Who Should Attend
This training is designed for anyone who directs, manages, teaches, consults, coaches or facilitates in a group, organizational, health-care, educational or community context who wants to adopt a new paradigm of relationship-centered leadership and group life. It also offers a transformative approach for those who facilitate or coach personal, relationship, team or community development and healing.
Calling All
- Culture Changers
- Transformational Leaders, Educators, Coaches and Healthcare Providers
- Complex Systems-Thinkers and Proponents of Self-Organization
- Social Architects designing a functionally Interconnected World
- Spiritual Practitioners and Social Activists creating a Culture of Allies
- Individual and Systems Healers restoring Wholeness and Connection
Sequential Learning Components:
Matrix communication and leadership practices generate the capacity to function as an interconnected, self-organizing system.
Formation — A Strong Relational Infrastructure (Matrix)
- Create a Matrix — relational infrastructure—founded in open, transparent, person-to-person communication in the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Whole (team or group)
- Generate a collective ground of health (trust and resilience) in the Matrix of relationships‐a key to sustainability
- Access holistic intelligence—Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit—establishing mindfulness, presence and heart—a gateway to emergence and creativity
- Develop systems-responsive awareness and learn to optimize collective intelligence and emergent leadership
- Transform feedback culture with appreciative and differentiating feedback as an investment in relationships, mission and outcomes
- Differentiate from and Distribute the expression of typical roles, perspectives, emotions, leadership assumptions and authority
Differentiation — An Alternative to Models of Control & Conflict
- Transform conflict and polarization with practices of engaging with differences as resources, and utilizing a multi-perspective Matrix Group Dialogue™
- Shift from models of external, top-down authority and control to team-centric leadership that occurs through the interactions of all of the members
- Learn processes for tracking the emergent, collective intelligence and converging into action
Transformation — Together!
- Awaken from the paradigm of ‘separateness’. Recognize and differentiate from ‘island of me’ consciousness (competition, silos, lone-rangers) to interconnected ‘voices of the Whole’
- Experience transformational personal, relational and leadership development in concert with evolutionary team development that occurs in connection—through relationships that generate a field of possibility, love for all beings, justice, and a spiritually-informed world